

Aylett, R., Ritter, C., Lim, M. Y., Broz, F., McKenna, P., Keller, I. and Rajendran, G., An Architecture for Emotional Facial Expressions as Social Signals, in IEEE Transactions on Affecticve Computing, 2019. [pdf]


McKenna, P. E., Keller, I., Part, J. L., Lim, M. Y., Aylett, R., Broz, F. and Rajendran, G., “Sorry to Disturb You”: Autism and Robot Interruptions, in Companion Proceedings of the 15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Cambridge, UK, March 2020. [pdf] [video]

Roffo, G., Vo, D.B., Tayarani, M., Rooksby, M., Sorrentino, A., Di Folco, S., Minnis, H., Brewster, S. and Vinciarelli, A., Automating the Administration and Analysis of Psychiatric Tests: The Case of Attachment in School Age Children, in Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Glasgow, UK, April 2019. [pdf]

McKenna, P., Ghosh, A., Aylett, R., Broz, F. and Rajendran, G., Cultural Social Signal Interplay with an Expressive Robot, in Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), Sydney, Australia, November 2018. [pdf]

McKenna, P., Ghosh, A., Aylett, R., Broz, F., Keller, I. and Rajendran, G., Robot Expressive Behavior and Autistic Traits, in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Stockholm, Sweden, July 2018. [pdf]

Scibelli, F., Roffo, G., Tayarani, M., Bartoli, L., De Mattia, G., Esposito, A. and Vinciarelli, A., Depression Speaks: Automatic Discrimination between Depressed and Non-Depressed Speakers Based on Nonverbal Speech Features, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Calgary, Canada, April 2018. [pdf]

McKenna, P., Lim, M. Y., Ghosh, A., Aylett, R., Broz, F., and Rajendran, G., Do You Think I Approve of That? Designing Facial Expressions for a Robot, in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR), Tsukuba, Japan, November 2017. [pdf]

Aylett, R., Broz, F., Ghosh, A., McKenna, P., Rajendran, G., Foster, M. E., Roffo, G. and Vinciarelli, A., Evaluating Robot Facial Expressions, in Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), Glasgow, UK, November 2017. [pdf]

Roffo, G., Melzi, S., Castellani, U. and Vinciarelli, A., Infinite Latent Feature Selection: A Probabilistic Latent Graph-Based Ranking Approach, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Venice, Italy, October 2017. [pdf]


McKenna, P., Broz, F., Keller, I., Part, J. L., Rajendran, G. and Aylett, R., Towards Robot-Assisted Social Skills Training for Adults with ASC, in Workshop on the Challenges of Working on Social Robots that Collaborate with People at the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Glasgow, UK, May 2019. [pdf]

Broz, F., Ghosh, A., Keller, I., McKenna, P., Rajendran, G. and Aylett, R., Robot-assisted Social Skill Training for Adults with ASD, in Workshop on Explainable Robotic Systems at the 13th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Chicago, IL, USA, March 2018. [pdf]

Broz, F., Robot-assisted Social Skills Training for ASD in the Workplace, in EUCognition Meeting on Social Cognition in Humans and Robots, Hamburg, Germany, September 2018.

Broz, F., Lim, M. Y., Ghosh, A., Rajendran, G. and Aylett, R., Linking Expressive Behavior and Intention for Robot-assisted Training for Adults with ASD, in Workshop on the Role of Intentions in Human-Robot Interaction at the 12th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Vienna, Austria, March 2017. [pdf]